Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Handmaid's Tale - Blog 1

I have to admit that this book is more interesting than I thought. I might actually have to say that I do, in fact, enjoy this book. From the very beginning the book captured my attention.

What I want to discuss is Offred's situation as a handmaid. I see that the Aunts have brainwashed her to believe that her body is a "vessel" for one to use. I mean sure, she could have it worse if the Commander beat her or would use her body whenever he pleased, but still. She had a life once, with a mother, a husband, and a daughter. They must have got deep down into her brain to get her to believe that this was what God wants her to do. To only be used to carry a child who they won't even be able to take care of and to watch grow.

I see these handmaids as an article of clothing shared among many siblings. Once one has grown out of it, the shirt or pair of jeans go to the next kid in line. Once they have found no use for it, it goes to the next, and the next, and the next. The sad part in the handmaid's life is that if they are of no good use for three Commanders, then they're send to the Colonies. I find this all completely bogus. I believe that if this were to happen, women would be at such a lower standard than they were before the were allowed in colleges or given the right to vote or even to be able to call themselves equal to men. If it were up to me, I'd most likely rebel this lifestyle if it were chosen for me. I don't believe that any woman should be subjected to such cruelty just because some radiation incident happened and left the whole country with a declining birth rate.

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