Monday, March 9, 2009

Blog 2

I must say that reading chapters 9 and 10 confused me more that the idea of Year One and having no gender at all.

First, I thought that the Estraven in chapter 9 was the Estraven we had been reading about. Then, Holleigh had explained to me that it was a different Estraven from the past and the present Estraven was named after him.

The past Estraven, from my understanding, was in a land that was an enemy of his country. He then met someone from that place who saved him by warming his cold body. They then kemmered and had a child. I don't know if the Estraven that killed his brothers was the son of this relationship or the Estraven that was cold. So later, they named this Estraven, whichever one it may be, Estraven the Traitor.

One question they asked during the disscussion today was if the Estraven of the present resembles Estraven of the passeed. I do think that they are similar. Both left home, although for different reasons, I'm sure. Both of them wanted to make peace with others and did not want to go to war. So in some ways, I do believe that both Estravens remsemble each toher.

The next chapter, I can't speak much of. I didn't understand it much other than the fact that Genly Ai was speaking with others who asked him about himself. Also, we learn that the King's son dies and some of the people Genly Ai is travelling with dislikes the king and hope that the rest of them live just as long as the one that died. That, was a bit harsh I might say, but it does say that some people do not agree with the way King Argaven is.

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